Thursday, 12 June 2014

Not Only Quad HD Display, Nokia McLaren will Become the First Windows Phone Using Kinect-style sensor

The existence of Microsoft's Nokia smartphone McLaren quite widely on lately. Moreover, the Windows Phone mobile phone is predicted to be the first with Quad HD screen. And now, according to a report from The Verge, Quad HD screen was not the only mainstay of the smartphone. 

According to sources from The Verge, this phone will come with a technology called 3D Touch name or Real Motion which has been developed by Nokia in recent years. The technology allows smartphone users to be able to play games or run apps without having to physically touch the phone.

The technology was almost similar to that of the Kinect, in which users can control a device based on hand gestures. Mobile is also said to be able to detect when it is in the palm of the hand. Touch 3D technology enables the mobile phone to mute itself when closed hand, or placed in the chest. 

Furthermore, according to information from the @ evleaks, this phone is also rumored successor of the Nokia Lumia 1020. They say that McLaren Nokia mobile phone will come with the same quality as that of the Lumia 1020. So, in addition to having the Kinect technology and high-resolution screen, The mobile phone has also become the best smartphone camera on the market.

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